Mount Colden - Lake Arnold Route (unsuccessful summit attempt)

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Date of Hike: 2/9/08

Trail Conditions: Started the hike at the Loj at 7:30 AM. We headed towards Avalanche Camp and then took the crossover trail up to Lake Arnold. We hiked a nicely broken out path to Lake Arnold, which took 2 hours and 30 minutes. The trail up to Colden from Lake Arnold hadn't been broken out and we made slow progress through deep snow up towards the top. We made it to the 2nd sub summit by 12:45 when we decided that it would probably be a good idea to turn around. Made it back to the Loj by 3:30 and relaxed with a good 2 minute shower.

Special Equipment Required: Snowshoes a must. Brought crampons but I didn't need them.