Mount Jackson – Sapblatt’s 48 – 10/8/2005

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Oct 22, 2004
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Massachusetts Avatar: "Heads or tails?!"
About 14 months ago with only six peaks to my list I decided to give finishing the 48 before my 40th birthday a try. Last fall I dove back into hiking and once again renewed with vigor when March and April rolled around (this year I am hiking in winter too!) Back in the spring SherpaKroto asked my which peak I was going to finish on – I actually had not given it much thought, but after a conversation and some advice it became Jackson, with the idea that some non hikers could come along too.

After finishing number 47 on Moriah almost a month ago I did a couple of fun hikes leading up to the big day. I had the good fortune at a beer blast at a Boston pub a few weeks ago to meet Mike and Ginny (mtnmama and mtnpa) who invited my family and me to their wonderful “Mountain House” for the weekend. Unfortunately, the dismal weather forecast kept the family at home – luckily for me a lot of hiking friends showed up for the hike!

After listening to the rain all night on Friday (which was after one of the longest, toughest rides north I had ever had) I got up around 6am and mtnmama and mtnpa and I headed out for the Highland Center, the gathering spot, to meet everyone for breakfast and route finalization. I was so happy to see how many people showed up for my 48th, particularly with such poor weather. I hope I do not forget anyone, but here are all of the folks that braved the elements: MEB, Audrey (and Genie the hiking yellow lab), Fatima, LittleBear, SilentCal, Grace, hikerfast, mtnmagic, Bob & Geri, Dr. Wu, HikerBob, and later in the day shizzmac. At Audrey’ suggestion we decided today’s route would be up the original Crawford Path to the Mizpah Cut Off to the Webster Cliff Trail. The original idea of hiking Ike and Pierce too was abandoned with all of the rain. At about 9AM in a steady rain we all headed up the trail.

This has been a rather warm autumn – most of us headed out with way too much on and were soon stripping layers off – I ended up with no jacket even though it was raining. The temps were around 65 when we started and the winds that were supposed to be in the 40mph range never materialized. After awhile we all got as comfortable as possible and fell into our own paces, which were all within a couple of minutes of each other and made it through the rain towards Jackson. A nice thing about hiking with so many people, some that I really had never gotten to talk with was that we all spent some time hiking in large and small groups. It was nice to talk a bit with everyone during this day.

While hiking a bit with Audrey on the Webster Jackson Trail I suddenly got fast – probably had a lot do with the relative ease of this terrain. Somewhere in this area Genie got introduced to the alpine bog – I did not see it but she went into the mud upt o her neck. On the way down MEB “tested” the bog with her trekking poles and almost went in – I knew she was hell bent on being the muddiest hiker of the day! We crossed through the boggy areas and before you knew it we were approaching the north ledges near the summit. Everyone went ahead of me to allow me to have my “grand entrance.” After getting to over and across the ledges and deep puddles I said hello to the only hiker I had seen to that point that was not escaping from the rain, but was out enjoying the day and moved on towards the summit where all of the gang was awaiting in what was now only a mist.

LittleBear presented me with a bottle of Glenlivet (thank you!) which made the rounds and was a nice warmer – not sure, but 11:30AM may be the earliest I ever drank Scotch, but what the hell? Mtnmagic presented me with a nip of schnapps and HikerBob with an English confection. We all hung around on the summit for about thirty minutes in the mist and watched some of the clouds break for some quick views. Genie had fun trying to play the game you cannot win – Catch the Grey Jay!

Because of the wet slabs most of us chose to descend the same route, which while being about a mile longer proved to take the same amount of time on the way down. Had some real interesting conversations with hikerfast about winter hiking (and smart hiking) and hypothermia (it was getting a bit cooler on the descent.) Also, Dr. Wu, always the capitalist offered to sell me his crampons for $1000 – it is steep, but he wore them. We also chatted about the Gary Moody Privy Peeping list and I decided it would be best not to attempt that one!

Reflections…I really have little that is profound to say here – probably because even though this was so special I looked at it as another wonderful hike in life long list of great hikes. I was sad thinking about it during the week but I had such a wonderful time with all of you that it was just a great day outdoors. As I told some of you I will work on the 100 highest (have 50) and the NE 67 (have 51) but I figure I will probably repeat the 48 a few times over before I get all of those (it is a lot easier for me to get away to NH.) My next “list” is going to be more of a redlining idea…the RMC trails south of route 2 is first on my radar.

Other thoughts –

First peak – Pierce on 9/4/1999
Favorite peak – tie – Bondcliff and Adams
Least favorite (for hiking reasons) – Hale (I was whacked from hiking Waumbek, Isolation and Hale on consecutive days in very warm weather)
Least favorite (for nonhiking reasons) – Washington and Cannon – I do not have the right to say this, but the summit buildings, trams, cogs, auto roads, etc. just are not what I am looking for out there. I vow never to hike Washington again on a summer weekend.
Who hiked the most peaks with me – Rols with seven and Tuco with six take the prize…unfortunately neither could make 48 – but I will hike with them soon.
Toughest hike – Madison and Adams as part of an attempted Presi Traverse on an 85 degree day that was humid, foggy and misty and eventually Tuco and I faced some thunderstorms with Artex and Abster. Also – covering the entire Twinway in snow was quite a battle…
Easiest hike (another tie) – Waumbek, Jackson and dare I say the Bonds traverse…I was in the best shape of the summer and the weather was perfect…I really floated through all of that one except for maybe the final mile of the Bondcliff Trail.

A few pictures courtesy of Audrey:


Lastly, we all headed over to Mooseland Grill afterwards for beverages and food. I would like to thank all who came and picked up my tab – way too generous, but thank you. This was to be a fitting end to a nice day but as we were leaving Mike and Ginny invited everyone back to the Mountain House for more fun. I think there were about ten of us there and those who did not spend the night stayed until about 10…a great time was had by all! Ginny baked all day and had a great spread of food out that was enjoyed by all of the people and the one dog! Mtmama and mtnpa - thank you so much for the hospitality!! :) :)

Thank you again to all who came along in my journey and on this day – it has been quite a ride!

Anyone want to go hiking? :)
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I was glad to be a part of your of the best days I've ever spent in the rain! Being bitten by the hiking bug is about the best thing that can happen to anyone.

And yes, Mtnmama and Mtnpa are hosts extraordinaire, thank you both! And Genie thanks you all too.
Way to go Mike!

I was glad to be a part of this day too! :) I was however a little dissapointed with the weather. I was expecting a cool, rainy windy day and instead I woke up to 70 degree temps and light rain. Oh well. As much as I enjoy the mud I think Jeanine gets first prize for getting the muddiest! Lucky for her though there was plenty of water along the trail to wash some of it off!

It was a pleasure to join you for your 48th 4k hike and the celebration that followed. Although we were in the midst of 36 hours of awful weather the rain eased up and the sky lifted almost miraculously for the summit ceremony. Remember you've finished this list but just begun your hiking career. See you on the trails!!!

Way to go Mike! It was great meeting you face to face finally...see you on the trails for sure.
Congrats Sapblatt! Great TR. Looks like things were a little soggy, it didn't seem to dampen the spirit! :)
Way to go! Congratulations, you seem to have enjoyed every bit of the journey. That's what its all about, right?
Hi Mike! Great to see you completed the 48! Congratulations! What a supportive group to have - especially in the rain. Although rain doesn't seem to bother you......that WAS quite a down pour coming off the Jewell Trail, but nice to meet you and Tuco. Maybe we will cross pathes sometime. Take care. Hanna

Really sorry to have missed the hike and get together. Just shows how tough it is to rebound after the age of 40- ;)

Glad to hear the weather wasn't bad either.

Look forward to getting together and hiking soon- and maybe a follow up celebration :D
Nicely done Sapblatt!

Hope you will get into the Winter 48, as you know, it's a whole other world!
:D did it!!!! :)
Had a great weekend with you and hope Gail & Aaron can make
it next time. What's next??? :rolleyes:

Congratulations, sapblatt! Great to see you had so much company to share your day.
sapblatt said: was just a great day outdoors.

...and may you have many more! You had a wonderful troop join in -- how wonderful to share the joy!! Congratulations! 'mon over to the dacks...

Note to self:
Invite Little Bear to celebrations
Good news: Bubbly does not HAVE to be there
MEB likes mud...
follow Audrey's advise (like I didn't know that...)
find out how to make friends with mtnmamma/pappa...
Gaining Momentum

Sorry to have missed your 48 completion, But many congrats! Now that you've got it rolling what's next?
Sounds like a great day! Sorry I missed out on this celebration...these are the kind of days that rainy conditions just can't get you down! :)