Mount Pierce with the kids and Bob N Geri (Sunday 10/10/10)

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Oct 4, 2006
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New Hampshire
We braved the holiday traffic and cool temperatures on Sunday to join Bob & Geri on an easy trip to Mount Pierce. This is the only weekend for most of the fall which was devoid of soccer games and the family seemed quite happy to go hiking :D :D Met Bob & Geri at the campground and piled into the Hayesmobile to grab one of the few spots left at the Mount Clinton parking lot. We were on our way at the leisurely hour of 10am.


Aqueduct Dam, Gibbs Falls, "Stone Lounge Chair"

Kids and water - they go together like chocolate and peanut butter. The first stop was at the pool after the bridge over Gibbs Brook. The second stop was at the aqueduct dam, and the third stop was at Gibbs Falls proper. After confirming the uniform coldness of Gibbs Brook in all three locations, we got going again, only to be stopped for a snack at a rock shaped like a lounge chair.


Feeding the gray jays, Mizpah Hut (reading room)

Crawford Path is a popular trail, and even more so on this touristy weekend. The gray jays seem to know this (along with one red squirrel) and at the Mizpah Cutoff we fed both for a little while. My son, Matthew, wanted to see Mizpah Hut so we went up that way and enjoyed lunch at the hut, including some hot cocoa. From here to the summit of Pierce included some icy spots, but all were negotiated without any serious harm. The bog bridges and roots were very, very slippery, but everything else was avoidable.


#7 for Matthew / #6 for Amanda, Beautiful Day!, Descending to the Crawford Path

Coming from the hut meant we'd emerge from the trees onto the summit with almost no exposure. The few lookouts on the way up were mostly in the lee of summit proper and with the sun shining down were quite comfortable. For the short time on the summit, I was comfortable (enough) in shorts. From here we followed the Crawford Path down to complete the lollipop loop. Of course all three pools/waterfalls had to be explored again.

The kids are getting fast. They got out of sight a few times and Geri quipped that by next year, she'd be unable to hike with them any more which would be a shame since both kids really enjoyed hiking with Bob and Geri. Thanks for being so good to my kids :)

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Great to get the kids out. I was there on sat and saw many kids going up the Edmands path and thought about the few times I took my kids out. I miss those days. I got to feed the Gray Jay but it was difficult to get a pic because they flew away so fast. I wonder if that red squirrel was the one who chewed a hole in my space blanket after smelling my food?:mad: