Mount Tremont, Friday Oct 8

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Bob Kittredge

Active member
Sep 15, 2003
Reaction score
Terrified on Webster
I'm going up to Mount Tremont (Bartlett, NH) to do some trailwork on Friday the 8th. I'd be grateful for some company. (And if you happen to bring along a pair of loppers, that would be swell.)

I expect to be hitting the trail from Route 302 at 9:30 AM.

Tremont is an easy 3000 footer with lovely views of Sawyer Pond and Green's Cliff. The trailwork consists mainly of brushing out the trail from the summit down to Owl's Cliff which has gotten pretty overgrown.
Unfortunately I will not be in NH until sometime in the late afternoon on Friday; otherwise I would be more than happy to help. My wife and I maintain the Webster Cliff Trail just up the road. Do you maintain the trail on a regular basis, or is this just an random act of kindness? If you know a few other trails that are in desperate need of attention and are not currently maintained by anyone (I can think of a few), and your kindness is unlimited, let me know and I will be more than happy to join you on some future trail work.
I just adopted the trail this year. I made one pass at it back in May on a nasty, hot, buggy day when I was feeling poorly. I hope to get it fully brushed out this time around.

Other than that, I occasionaly carry a folding saw on my hikes and clean up some of the easier blowdowns.