Mount Washington Observatory Summit Volunteer 1/19-25/12/11

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In a couple of your pics it looks like the moon... one giant step for....

Some friends will be knocking on your door next weekend.. I hope you'll still be there?

Shrimp look great, I can smell em all the way here in NYC!
MW Summit

@Paul- Unfortunately I'll be leaving tomorrow if the weather allows, but I'll be back!

@Jason- It was an absolute thrill to see you guys as you could probably tell when I couldn't stop talkin'! So glad you guys had a great day for that hike! When I get home I can touch up that picture of you guys and send it off to you. (I overexposed badly, but I hope I can fix it!)

What do we do for fun?

As you are probably aware, yesterday was National Pie Day. Not Pi, Pie! So, what to do after the rain and fog overtook the summit? Have a pie bake-off!

After a supper that consisted of entries of Beef Taco Pie and Chicken Taco Pie created by my partner and I, we got down to business.


Sarah Long, weatherperson of Channel 23 in Portland was last year's champ. This year she had a great shot at keeping her title with her Banana Whoopie pie entry!

Observer Brian Clark had a superb entry with his Boston Cream Pie.

Operation Assistant Rebecca Scholand also had a strong chance at toppling the champ with her entry, a Lime Meringue Pie.


For some impartial judges we looked next door to the State Park folks who were up for their shift. Bill and Jim came over and sampled each. Bill was blindfolded to focus his taste senses, (and add to the overall comedy!)

With comments like: "The banana flavor assaults the senses!" and, " Floating on a cloud of creamy goodness!" the contest was an uproarious success!


In the end Rebecca's Lime Meringue Pie was the winner! Great food and great fun!




Some of the Characters

From the Observer Comments Section of the Mount Washington Observatory Website:

I look forward to these weeks on the summit with the same anticipation I looked forward to each Christmas as a child. As I drive north to meet the crew at the base of the Auto Road my heart quickens and I feel the same excitement a trip to see Santa would bring. As we meet and begin to load the tractor for the ride to the top I am filled with the same wonderment I felt nearly half a century ago as I rushed down the stairs on Christmas morning. I have lost track in my mind how many times I have actually done this now, but my heart remembers each trip, and reminds me that every time it is a unique and wonderful experience. This trip has been no different.




Our Ride is Here


Cool Ride

We came up the long, winding road on a crystal clear day. There were new people to meet, and old friends and acquaintances to greet. Since arriving I have been witness to sunsets beautiful beyond words, a stunning under-cast sunrise, a myriad of brilliant stars in an ink-black sky, a faint aurora above the glow of distant cities, and with all of this the near constant roar of the wind and vast array of water properties it can bring to the summit. This past Sunday brought a Bluebird Day to the summit along with a number of hiking friends I was lucky enough to get outside to see. Scenes like this make the hard work of feeding and cleaning up after groups as large as Saturday night's seventeen for supper and Sunday morning's breakfast for the same group seem a trifle compared to the beauty that envelopes me while I stand gazing out into the first light of an approaching dawn or the deep magenta clouds in the dwindling twilight.


At the Start of Our Descent


Mounts Adams and Madison in the Clouds


A Glance Back

Through it all I have had a near constant companion in my partner Paul Goundrey, without whom I would be somewhat overwhelmed. While I have gone about planning most of the main courses, he has complemented them with excellent side dishes and delicious desserts. Before last Thursday we had never met, but we now have a bond that will continue long past this week. If nothing else, these trips make you feel a kinship to the people and place that make up the Mount Washington Observatory, and indeed, the mountain itself. I will cherish these trips as long as I live just as I cherish those Christmas mornings so long ago. Thank you Mount Washington for making me a welcome guest!


Usually Buried Deep in Snow


Mounts Adams and Madison


Good-Bye for Now Mount Washington

Kevin Talbot – Summit Volunteer
More pics...

If anyone is still interested, and has the time and patience, I finally got through editing about 700 photos down to 261. They are HERE:

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If anyone is still interested, and has the time and patience, I finally got through editing about 700 photos down to 261. They are HERE:


Wow...thanks! I am into it. :)
These should be in a BOOK!
Sarah Long WGME Channel 13 in Portland

If you have been following this thread you may remember I mentioned Sarah was on the summit for part of my stay. There is a link HERE to some of the videos she made while she was there! I am in the bucket Brigade video, 3rd from the left, gray parka, between the blue and white jackets. I'll post more links as they appear.

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