Mounts Monroe & Washington - 4-27-08

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Jay Meyer

Rick M. and I summited Mounts Monroe and Washington from Pinkham Notch on Sunday, 4-27. We ascended the Tuck's Trail to Hermit Lake, Hillman's Highway to the vicinity of Boott Spur, Camel Trail to Lakes of the Clouds/Mt. Monroe, and Crawford Path to the summit of Mt. Washington; descent was via Lion's Head Trail. We encountered some light rain in the morning, then it was cloudy and foggy for the rest of the day.

Conditions were quite varied, but most of the snow is gone above treeline. Hillman's Highway had full coverage bottom to top, with lots of moguls and a good set of boot steps on climber's right. From Boott Spur to Lakes of the Clouds/Monroe it is mostly bare with a few slushy snowfields and lots of ice and slush around the hut; similar conditions, but rockier (esp. on the upper summit cone), up the Crawford Path to Washington's summit and down through the southern snowfields (which are diminishing rapidly). Mostly bare down to treeline on the Lion's Head Trail, but there is quite a bit of snow from treeline down to the fire road. The steep sections of the Lion's Head Trail were mostly bare and very muddy; stick to the trail, as the "bypasses" are even worse. In places on the Lion's Head Trail, there is a narrow densely packed "sidewalk" which is almost comical: it is 2-3' higher than the surrounding ground (now bare in many places).

Despite light rain in the morning, we spent nearly the entire time in very light clothing (microfleece or polypro tops, single layer bottoms) due to moderate temps. (high 40s), high humidity and VERY light winds. We barebooted the entire way except descending from treeline to the fire road on the Lion's Head Trail, where we used full crampons; poles were fine except up Hillman's where we used our axes (some may want crampons there, too).

Approx. 5,200' of vertical overall, 9 hrs.