Moxham Mtn

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This new trail to Moxham Mtn. (2,464') was just created in August 2012. The mountain has high cliffs on the summit with great views of Gore Mtn, Crane Mtn, and some ponds down below. I believe you can also see Snowy Mtn and Wakely Mtn in the distance. The trail is 5 miles round trip and there are two stream crossings half way to provide a bit of water if you hike with a dog. It should be very popular once it is better known.
While I was coming down from the summit a group of hikers told me they saw a mama bear and two cubs in a marshy area down below.
The small trail parking area is located on Fourteenth Road in Minerva, just a little way beyond the point where the road turns to dirt and goes down a hill. I hope others will enjoy this new trail as much as I did.
Bruce Hesselbach