Got my first hands-on look at the REVO. I was impressed. It looks and feels rugged enough to do well in the terrain in which the EVO excels - snow, but with lots of irregularities, rocks, broken stumps and roots, etc. - but with two big design changes, IMO for the better. First, it handles side traction a la Lightning rather than with the crude rails riveted under the bottom of the EVO - but different from the lightning in that they're done in sturdy looking SS instead of aluminum in a flimsy gauge. And second, a fun, very ergonomic ratcheting binding system. I didn't verify this in the numbers, but it felt as though it's shed some weight vs. the EVO as well. And in the EVO tradition, the primary crampon remains sturdy and nasty. No Lightning-like fragile aluminum beak.
Unless my current 2pr of EVOs meet with calamity or fair sale, I likely won't actually own these for a while - but I'm impressed and look forward to a field trial sometime.