Well-known member
Date Hiked: 02-Mar-2008
Conditions: Trail is now broken up to Mt. Avalon and about 0.2 mile toward Mt. Field. No blowdowns, and no issues with brook crossings as of date of hike.
Special Equipment: You’ll need snowshoes on the Avalon Trail beyond the intersection with the A-Z Trail.
Comments: Other than a backcountry skier slightly ahead of us, Zman & I were the first ones on the trail. The skier headed off-trail before the A-Z Trail intersection, leaving us to break trail from that point forward. Drifts were nearly waist deep in some sections of trail.
Upon arriving at the spur-trail to Avalon, the combination of deep, unbroken snow and open woods made it difficult to locate the continuation of the trail to Mts. Field & Willey. So, unless drifting has covered our many dead-end tracks, it might be confusing as to which track to follow. Sorry about that!
After finally locating the trail we continued for perhaps 0.2 mile and then decided to call it a day. With only two of us breaking trail, the overall snow-depth (plus occasional deep drifts) was making the trek very slow . Also, it was quite windy and we could see our tracks being filled in right before our eyes!! We didn’t relish the possibility of having to re-break trail on our return trek back down from Field/Willey.
Even though we didn’t reach our intended target, it was still a great day to be out in the Whites, and Mt. Avalon is always a rewarding destination.
A few photos from our trek are HERE.
Conditions: Trail is now broken up to Mt. Avalon and about 0.2 mile toward Mt. Field. No blowdowns, and no issues with brook crossings as of date of hike.
Special Equipment: You’ll need snowshoes on the Avalon Trail beyond the intersection with the A-Z Trail.
Comments: Other than a backcountry skier slightly ahead of us, Zman & I were the first ones on the trail. The skier headed off-trail before the A-Z Trail intersection, leaving us to break trail from that point forward. Drifts were nearly waist deep in some sections of trail.
Upon arriving at the spur-trail to Avalon, the combination of deep, unbroken snow and open woods made it difficult to locate the continuation of the trail to Mts. Field & Willey. So, unless drifting has covered our many dead-end tracks, it might be confusing as to which track to follow. Sorry about that!
After finally locating the trail we continued for perhaps 0.2 mile and then decided to call it a day. With only two of us breaking trail, the overall snow-depth (plus occasional deep drifts) was making the trek very slow . Also, it was quite windy and we could see our tracks being filled in right before our eyes!! We didn’t relish the possibility of having to re-break trail on our return trek back down from Field/Willey.
Even though we didn’t reach our intended target, it was still a great day to be out in the Whites, and Mt. Avalon is always a rewarding destination.
A few photos from our trek are HERE.