Mt. Bond, July 26th

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Dec 3, 2004
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..Madison, NH
Blowdowns on the first stretch of Wilderness Trail!!! We had wild weather, complete with tornadoes, during the week. Blowdowns were passable.

I sidetracked to a favorite bog looking for a particular moose of this realm (see avatar). He wasn't around, but the Joe Pye Weed is in bloom...


and the beavers were busy...


On the Wilderness Trail, shortly before the Bondcliff Trail, I saw a moose crossing the trail up ahead. I scooted up to the area and saw that it was a bull heading straight for the Pemigewasset River. He wasn't browsing, just walking a straighht direction. Anticipating a river crossing, I cut through the woods to a point on the river downstream and waited...


I wanted to go to the middle of the river for pictures but it was too deep and fast because of the recent storms. The moose makes it look easier than it really was. He has twice as many legs, twice as long...




He gave me a glance as he finished the crossing...


That was a beautiful thing to watch him cross the river.

The Bondcliff Trail was nice. Here's a view toward Franconia Ridge at treeline...


and a view north to Bondcliff and the ridge and Mt. Bond...


a view of Bondcliff...

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goldenrod on the ridge, West Bond in the back ground...


tons of blueberries, a good year...


I don't yet have an ID for this, but the leaves are similar to three-toothed cinquefoil...


Prenanthes Nana?...


a view south from Mt. Bond toward Bondcliff...


a view toward Mt. Washington from Mt. Bond...


happy trails :)
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Wow! Clearly moose have quite an advantage in dealing with otherwise tricky water crossings!
how the hell do you see a moose on every hike you go on! i haven't seen a single moose hiking in the whites. and i've been hiking there for 8 years. freakin unbelievable. :p
Thanks for nice compliments!

leaf said:
how the hell do you see a moose on every hike you go on! i haven't seen a single moose hiking in the whites. and i've been hiking there for 8 years. freakin unbelievable. :p

Well, not every hike but I have been getting more successful sighting moose/wildlife. I think the most important thing is being silent, walking quietly and listening. I usually hear them before I see them. After a rain is great because the damp ground is quiet under foot. Early starts help. Good ole fashion luck helps, too!

happy trails :)
Also, early early morning helps I think the most to see a moose. There other reason most people dont see moose, they stay on commonly used paths.Your chances of seeing a moose at say Stillwater are much higher then the Bridal Path. Its amazing what you can see if you get into places not many go or bushwhack.-Mattl
Crepuscular, Matutinal, and Vespertine

Courtesy of Wikipedia is the following defination for certain time of day related animal behaviors. FG is obviously the ultimate morning person i.e. matutinal ..... (Don't ask me how to pronounce matutinal).

"Crepuscular is a term used to describe animals that are primarily active during twilight, hence at dawn and at dusk.[1] The word is derived from the Latin word crepusculum, meaning "twilight".[1] Crepuscular is thus in contrast with diurnal and nocturnal behavior. Crepuscular animals may also be active on a bright moonlit night. Many animals that are casually described as nocturnal are in fact crepuscular.[citation needed] Within the definition of crepuscular are the terms matutinal (or "matinal") and vespertine, denoting species active in the dawn and dusk respectively."