Mt Garfield 04/15/08

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Mt.Garfield the majestic solitary pemi sentinel. Road was partly bare with some mud. Mt Garfield trail to the creeks mostly bare with some snow patches and mud. Creek crossings were easy 4-6 inches depth on first crossing less on other two. Snow was firm. I put on snowshoes at the old G. Field pond cut off for the last pull to the summit. The sign marking the G.Field ridge jct. is now visible (barely.) From this point trail is not clear so I would use caution especially if not familiar with area. I kind of picked my way to the top staying somewhat true to the actual trail. Summit was mostly bare with some patches of snow. Weather was winter like with cold temps and strong wind though once you found a sheltered spot the sunshine made it feel like spring. A beautiful and quiet day. The summit of Garfield never fails to amaze! The snow softened somewhat for the descent so I kept the shoes on to prevent postholing. I removed them shortly before the creek. It was nice to be on a trail that was not destroyed by postholers.