Mt. Hale via Fire Warden's Trail, Saturday 3-16-13

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Plenty of plowed parking at the end of Little River Road. Both the unofficial Little River Trail and the North Twin Trail were packed hard and broken out that morning. There were 2-3" of fluffy new powder down low, with 4" higher up on the mountain from Friday's storm. Just before the cutoff to the Fire Warden's Trail, we met a hiker with his dog, who was going up over the Twins to Zealand, and on to Hale, so those trails should be broken out somewhat. The tracks ahead of us ended about 100 yards up the FWT, so we had to "break" trail the rest of the way, although the snow was so light and fluffy, it wasn't really any extra effort. Four of us used microspikes, and only switched to snowshoes at the ridge near the top more for variety than out of necessity. The trail all the way was easy to follow, wide, clear, and gradual. It's better maintained than many of the "official" trails out there. Not one blow down, or even branch, across the trail. On the way down we met two other hikers, and about 12 skiers on their way up. The trail was well packed after this traffic. The birch glades, particularly the upper half, should offer exceptional skiing after Tuesday's storm!