Mt. Isolation hike trip, Saturday August 21

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Several of us are heading out to Mt. Isolation on Saturday, August 21 as a day hike. We'll be leaving out of the Glen Boulder trailhead at approximatwely 7:45 AM. The route is a traverse- using Glen Boulder/Davis Path to Mt. Isolation/return via Davis path to Mt. Isolation trail and then out the Rocky Branch to the trailhead. Stats for the trip are 13.3 miles, 3800 feet elevation gain, book time 8 hours 35 minutes. Pace is moderate.

If your interested in going let me know. :)
Ugh. Unfortunately, family obligations will keep me out of this trip. But I'm hoping if the weather cooperates, I can take Monday and/or Tuesday off and do it from Rocky Branch (Route 16).

I'd be very interested, however, in reading post-trip report from you, particularly concerning the stream crossings.

Have fun!
Tony, good call on bumping Isolation for Waumbek. I also saved Waumbek on a 'no view' day. although Starr King looked to offer some great views that I'll have to go back for.

If you are in no rush to get Isolation I know there are more than a few folk itching to go there when the Whites put their winter cloaks back on.

Given the forecast I passed on the usual 200+ mile each-way commute this weekend but I'll be up later this week for a Friday adventure :)
