Date: 5/23/08 - 5/24/08
Weather: Drizzly with temps in mid-40s
Route: Webster-Jackson to Mt Webster
Webster Cliff over Mt Pierce to Crawford Path
Crawford Path over Eisenhower to Edmands Path
Edmands Path to Mt Clinton Rd
Left Mt Clinton Rd parking lot for Webster-Jackson trailhead around 2:00 PM on Friday.
Webster-Jackson was very wet with patches of snow growing more numerous as I got higher. Jackson branch was challenging, with a lot of rotten snow and a couple of steep ascents
Jackson was in the clouds, so no reason to stay long.
Webster Cliff up to Mizpah Springs was more of the same. More snow than I expected and the steady drizzle made it hard to stay dry.
Stayed at Mizpah Springs Friday night.
Webster Cliff from the hut to the summit of Mt Pierce was better than the trip up Webster-Jackson and Webster Cliff. Still a fair amount of snow, but firmer and easier to negotiate.
Crawford Path from Pierce to Eisenhower (Clinton) was mostly clear except for low shady spots and a few hundred feet of the trail just before the summit.
The top of Edmands Path (down to the Gate) was mostly snow with scattered bare patches. You had to walk a narrow shelf on the side of the sloping snow pack that was left in the trail. One false step and you'd end up in the spruces downslope. From the Gate down was uneventful and the trail is mostly dry. There are a number (>6?) of good-sized blowdowns near the bottom that have to be negotiated.
Equipment: Gaiters would be helpful at the first sign of snow.
Snowshoes not needed. Traction devices probably not of
much help. Pole were a big help.
Submitted by: Drumhaggart (Steve)
[email protected]
Weather: Drizzly with temps in mid-40s
Route: Webster-Jackson to Mt Webster
Webster Cliff over Mt Pierce to Crawford Path
Crawford Path over Eisenhower to Edmands Path
Edmands Path to Mt Clinton Rd
Left Mt Clinton Rd parking lot for Webster-Jackson trailhead around 2:00 PM on Friday.
Webster-Jackson was very wet with patches of snow growing more numerous as I got higher. Jackson branch was challenging, with a lot of rotten snow and a couple of steep ascents
Jackson was in the clouds, so no reason to stay long.
Webster Cliff up to Mizpah Springs was more of the same. More snow than I expected and the steady drizzle made it hard to stay dry.
Stayed at Mizpah Springs Friday night.
Webster Cliff from the hut to the summit of Mt Pierce was better than the trip up Webster-Jackson and Webster Cliff. Still a fair amount of snow, but firmer and easier to negotiate.
Crawford Path from Pierce to Eisenhower (Clinton) was mostly clear except for low shady spots and a few hundred feet of the trail just before the summit.
The top of Edmands Path (down to the Gate) was mostly snow with scattered bare patches. You had to walk a narrow shelf on the side of the sloping snow pack that was left in the trail. One false step and you'd end up in the spruces downslope. From the Gate down was uneventful and the trail is mostly dry. There are a number (>6?) of good-sized blowdowns near the bottom that have to be negotiated.
Equipment: Gaiters would be helpful at the first sign of snow.
Snowshoes not needed. Traction devices probably not of
much help. Pole were a big help.
Submitted by: Drumhaggart (Steve)
[email protected]