MT.Jackson /Webster Jackson trail 1/27

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trail cond..It was snowing and blowing at the highland center but when we
got onto the webster jackson trail we were sheltered from the wind and the snow was slowed down by the trees.The trail had a solid base with several
inches of loose powder that we packed down as we went along .The trail is packed completely now and is easily climed with katoola micro spikes or screw boots like I wear .We found glissaded areas at the summit cone and they
required two poles and micro spikes, stableicers,or crampons,mostly necessary here was poles.summit cone was not windy at that moment but is exposed.
special equiptment;micro spikes helpfull all the way needed for the summit but
you could use stableicers.yax would be useless for the finall ascent. snow shoes not needed.poles were helpful all the way and needed on the cone.
full winter gear including face gators.

comments; we brought our ten year old son with us and reached the summit in about two and a half ours.HE LOVED glissading down the steeps and I
did a little of that myself exept for the initial decent from the cone I tried
to rough up the priviously glissaded section here to help out the next person
untill I got down to a safer section,(glissading etiquitte)I saw some other hikers had brought there kids as well.This was my sons first winter climb
and I would reccomend it to other parents for a first winter hike.
Jake a.k.a. Trailblazer [email protected]