Mt Marshall -- March 17

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March 17. Left upper works road at 9am, beautiful sunny day, immediately put snowshoes on for the trek as the snow was loose, and had better traction with snowshoes. Micro spikes would have been fine, however a better and faster stride with snow shoes. The path following calamity brook was well beaten down again loose snow with the melting conditions. The few bridge crossings were no problem as there is still frozen sections in the brook, and the water was not high. However with the warming forecast this will soon change. Smooth sailing all the way to calamity brook lean-to, through the flowed lands. Approximately one mile from the calamity brook lean-to to the next lean-to, the trail leads to the left. This was difficult to establish as there was no rock Cairn. However after a 15 minute search the heard path was visible. The conditions were not icy to the summit of Marshall however you do walk on so snow spine and there is no room for error on the sides of the trail as there are numerous postholes, and spruce traps. Even placing your poles off to the sides was causing them to sink into deep snow. These conditions continued all the way to the summit. My friend potholed with snowshoes on to his waist just below the summit. Following the brook you are walking on a thin layer of ice and snow and can hear the water rushing under your feet. Soon this will all be melted and another alternate route will need to be established due to the volume of running water. Beautiful day 50 degrees at the summit great views of Colden. #36 and winter #6.