Mt. Moriah the hard way

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Trails: Rattle River, Kenduskeag, Carter-Moriah, Stonybrook

Date: January 12, 2013

Required equipment: snowshoes. Poles very helpful

conditions: sticky snow then soft snow then back to sticky. Snowshoe crampons balled up at times. Rattle RIver trail broken out only about the first 2.5 miles then it was a bit of a slog through a lot of snow, with trees dumping more on me and lots of melting. Got throughly soaked. I had intended to do Shelburne Moriah but took a wrong turn on Kenduskeag. Should have pulled out map... nice views frmo Moriah though and much easier walk out.

Stream crossings all ok and it is supposed to get colder again...

There are numerous blowdowns on the steeper sections of Kenduskeag trail, many rather packed in a lot of snow!
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