Mt Pierce & Mt Eisenhower Loop: Crawford, Edmonds, Clinton Rd - 3/15/2012

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Trail Conditions: Crawford to Pierce was still fairly solid on the trail, bare booted almost to top then switched to snowshoes. A lot of older post holes but still solid on trail enough to bare boot (at least in the morning) but no traction needed. Crawford between Pierce and Ike wind packed and blown over but easy to follow with faint signs of old post holes and rabbit tracks. Edmonds down from Ike was in bad shape. Only faint signs of old tracks and very loose especially near the top. A lot of moose tracks. Clinton road is getting down to bare pavement in spots.

Equipment: Didn’t need traction or shoes going up Crawford , but you probably will need shoes now. I'd say Snowshoes required coming down Edmonds. With the warm spell coming up I can’t even imagine doing it even with shoes. But I am a novice.

Comments: Had both peaks to myself. Never crossed another hiker. Beautiful sites of peaks above the fog once the undercast lowered. Got caught in a shallow spruce trap coming down north side of Ike (20 minutes to get out and dig out my boot. Kind of a tough day (coming down) but I loved it. Back at Trailhead met two hikers that just did Tom, Field, and Willey. Nice meeting you Jeff.

- Marvin from RI 10/48