Mt Pierce & Mt. Eisenhower via Crawford Path 1/4/13

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Date of Hike: Jan 4 2013

Trail Conditions: Packed powder all the way from the trail head to the junction that leads to the summit of Pierce. I put on microspikes at this point to tag Pierce since there was ice that was covered with numerous shallow snow drifts. The trail to Eisenhower was difficult to follow because of all of the snow that had been blown over the visible tracks. It was 6-18" deep in some spots, but mostly bare ice or frozen snow because of the wind. I didn't use snowshoes the whole time, just microspikes. I didn't encounter any prolonged deep areas of snow either, nothing that gaiters couldn't handle.

I was able to follow the trail to Eisenhower by constantly looking around for cairns and the cut away of the trail itself. Worked out fine, though my tracks are probably blown in already.

Special Equipment Required: Balaclava and goggles were very necessary. Heavy mitts, down coat or layers, hard shell pants and jacket - what I had, hiking polls, and microspikes. Brought snowshoes with me, but never used them.

Comments: The wind was pretty strong ascending Eisenhower, felt like 40+. Didn't have any problems with it though. I moved fast.

Name: Sam
email: sam.wright (at) maine dot edu