Mt Potash via Mt Potash Trail 1-12-08

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Dec 13, 2007
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Meredith New Hampshire
Trail Conditions: Quite a variety..parking lot rquired crampons in the morning..switched to snow shoes as postholing became frequent..back to crampons from the view ledge up..Bulletproof snow says it all..Used crampons down to the the forest road ..switched to snowshoes there on descent. The brook crossing was quite difficult on ascent ..we took the forest road out not wanting to push our luck..

Special Equipment..traction necessary today..(though see below) A couple in the group had snowshoe envy over the msr crampon system which worked well today until the steeper ledges..We all had crampons though spikes would have worked most of the way..not a day for stablicers..other than that a beautiful day in the woods

Comments: Accompanied a friend, Ginette Beaudoin, as she completed her requisite for maine AMC trip leader.. Good Job! Lot of bang for the buck on this hike as the VFTT were excellent..Our experienced group used traction all the was amazing to us as we came across a couple of barebooters on the way down..Not the day for was pretty rock hard..skidded a bit on snowshoes in spots...Good day with Don, Sunny, Ginette and Tanjia