Mt Ranier Climb

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Jun 21, 2004
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Has anyone shipped climbing gear?

I am scheduled for a summit climb with RMI in August and really do not want to deal with checking in the gear at the airport.
I appreciate the feedback.

Check it

Most airlines allow two parcels of up to 70lbs. I've never had a problem on three western trips. Like Kevin says just pack things well, no fuel or aerosol cans etc. We're checking all our gear on the upcoming trip to Tanzania. Fortunately the crampons and ice axes can stay home :)
I agree that shipping them is a "potentially" bigger hassell.
Just buy a big duffle (hockey) bag, pack well with tape on shape points and all as said, and pack light. If you're worried, you can rent anything you need out there easily at REI or Feathered Frinds in Seattle. I think RMI rents everything as well.

I climbed it at the end of May and only had 27 hours of good weather. Fortunately it was right at the beggining of the trip. I say fortunately b/c on the return flight they lost my luggage for a day. If this happened on the way out that loss of 1 day would have resulted in 6 days vacation from work, flight costs, rental car, and NO summit attempt b/c the weather for the remained of the week was aweful.

have fun.
For our Denali trip last month, I checked in (2) 55-60 lb large duffels full of gear (ice axes, crampons, ice screws, snow pickets, stove, etc.) into Delta's system with no problem other than a verbal "no-no, your bags are overweight" from the checked baggage worker. My friend was charged an additional $25 for having an overweight bag (the limit for Delta is 2 bags of a max weight of 50 lbs without an additional fee). In the past I have also never had any problems checking climbing gear into airlines.

All airlines are different, but I wouldn't worry about transporting ANY climbing gear besides used fuel bottles. They would likely set off the automated baggage scanners which in turn would cause your duffel of gear to be completely taken a part and scrutinized, and who knows how it would arrive... Your best bet is to either ship the bottles to your destination, or just buy them when you get there.

Be safe & have a blast on your Rainier trip!
I greatly appreciate the feedback, and will follow the advise.
I have done my darndest avoid inviting Murphy and his laws on any trip.
This however is a first on several levels and needed to here from some experienced folk.
The big duffles are on the way and let the staging begin!!

Thanks again

Not all stories have happy endings. One time I took a job interview in Colorado and took my backpacking gear so I could spend the following weekend in RMNP. My backpack didn't show up until Sunday, I picked it up at a hotel on the way back to the airport. Hopefully, something similar won't happen to you.
JFB posted
Not all stories have happy endings

True, it's a good idea to wear your hiking boots and take your backpack on the plane as carry-on. My pack will compress down enough to meet the ATA 22X14X9 carry on regulations. Hopefully I'll be able to stow enough essential items for the upcoming trip.