Mt Tecumseh via Mt Tecumseh Trail

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Trail Conditions: There was a bit of snow and below freezing temperatures overnight, so when we started out the trail was covered with a dusting throughout, somewhat heavier as we got higher. Some patches of ice here and there. Some rime ice still in the trees at the higher elevations. Weather was clear, still a bit cold in the trees, but quite nice when you got a chance to sit in the sun at the summit. The air was very clear providing nice views throughout. By the time we got down, snow was mostly gone past the viewpoint at the ski slope. No problems at the stream crossings.

Special Equipment Required: Carried microspikes, but never used them. Saw others wearing theirs, so your mileage may vary.

Comments: Met a lot of nice folks on the trail enjoying the great day. This was Guido's 4K #2.

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