Muise & Kelsey, NH - June 10th

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May 17, 2005
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St-Bruno, Qc. Avatar: At Guyot Shelter
I thought I was throwing myself in the worst idea ever when I agreed on joining some NH100 peakbaggers this weekend. First of all, rain was expected, and even if it would stop early we would still get wet, because of we had to bushwhack the two peaks. And second of all, Muise and Kelsey are certainly not in the 52-with-a-view list. Also, I was tired from a one-day trip to the ADK’s saturday, doing trailwork on Dix (we missed you Pete).

As we parked the car at the gate we got happily surprised to see the sky clear up. The grass on the road was wet, the trail was damped, and the woods were swampy. But, we followed a nice moose path all the way up, having a blast joking about the numerous piles of poop. Then, because I come from a no-moose land, I wondered: does NH bushwhackers step in the **** so they go faster?

We reached the top, left trace of our passage in the canister, and backtracked. The one-hour drive between the two trailheads got me kinda tired, I didn’t feel like doing another mountain. Who was I kidding, of course I was going, but because it was such a beautiful day, I could have been convinced of jumping in a lake and have a couple of beers instead.

It was 3:15pm when we started the road walk that leads to Kelsey. We knew it would be pretty easy, but we had to rush it because my friend Karl had a long drive home after. He and Motabobo did rush it, leaving me huffing and puffing waaaay behind. The woods were so opened they were running up the hill. Don’t worry, they waited for me, making sure I was allright. They had to, because I needed them to tell me where to go, and also to do the entertainment. Real clowns !

Near the top, we went too far on the right and found ourselves stuck in some very thick stuff. We wandered 15 minutes there until we finally sat comfortably. Of course the black flies were terrible, so we didn’t stay long. We chose a better route down and got back to the car.

It turned out to be one very pleasant bushwhack, not because of the unexpected nice weather but because the company was great. Thanks guys, NH is beautiful, I can’t wait to go back. Did someone ever did the NH100 by doing the 52 lowest before finishing the 48 ???
urk. Kelsey brings back bad memories (I only bushwhack occasionally to remind myself why I don't bushwhack), but then again I did it from the west when the Phillips Brook yurts were still in operation. summit was a @#%@!%$# bunch of downed spruce piled up like pick-up sticks. Did someone ever replace the canister? it had a rusted lid when my friend & I found it.
Really had a blast, good weather, good company :D
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Maybe... :rolleyes: but hey I had my fluo orange cap so you could see me at all times :D