N/S Hancock w/ BW to NW Hancock Sunday 3/27


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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2004
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Kill Kaso, MA
Sunday, 3/27 -- 7am start, I'm going to head up North Hancock, spend a little time at the summit and then head off in a Northwesterly direction towards Northwest Hancock (4020'), about a mile off. Most likely I'll retrace my steps back to North Peak and then head over to South Hancock and out.

I'd like some company for this hike which I think will be a great one. Snowdepth on all the Hancocks should be high enough that you get close to 360degree views and the bushwhack over to Northwest Peak should be a blast! reply here or PM me as I'm open to taking some creative routes to Northwest Hancock.


Dr. Wu
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dr_wu002 said:
Sunday, 3/27 -- 7am start, I'm going to head up North Hancock, spend a little time at the summit and then head off in a Northwesterly direction towards Northwest Hancock (4020'), about a mile off. Most likely I'll retrace my steps back to North Peak and then head over to South Hancock and out.

I'd like some company for this hike which I think will be a great one. Snowdepth on all the Hancocks should be high enough that you get close to 360degree views and the bushwhack over to Northwest Peak should be a blast! reply here or PM me as I'm open to taking some creative routes to Northwest Hancock.


Dr. Wu

Any ideas what the snow temperatures will be? I'm still recovering from Sunday.
1 Person in, any others!?

Barbarossa said:
Any ideas what the snow temperatures will be? I'm still recovering from Sunday.
I assume the kind of temperatures where you gently glide over the snow, even uphill. This snow also builds sturdy bridges so that crossing spruce traps is only a matter of leaning foward a bit and giving yourself a gentle push to get passed them.

So, I assume this means you're in... :p

-Dr. Wu
It's easy

I usually carri a peice of PSP that I brougt bak from my stint in Nam. You just lay it down across the traps and walk over it then pick it back up and re-lay it for the next bridging. It also bilds up your upper body during a bushwak.

These were also called "Marston mats".
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Hillwalker said:
I usually carri a peice of PSP that I brougt bak from my stint in Nam. You just lay it down across the traps and walk over it then pick it back up and re-lay it for the next bridging. It also bilds up your upper body during a bushwak.

These were also called "Marston mats".
Is this what you're talking about? a Bridge Layer?

-Dr. Wu

It's shameless but I want to push this one back up just to see if there's any interest. I'm thinking about starting earlier and trying for the east escarpment (overlooking The Captain) in addition to Northwest Peak. I'm also open to anything creative, such as starting from The Wilderness Trail and going in Crystal Brook Valley, or exploring some of these old logging roads. on the Northwest face. I could even be persuaded to switch the hike for Saturday but I'd have to be out of the woods by 3:30-4:00.

Any interest?? PM me or reply here!

-Dr. Wu
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lamerunner said:
Did you go? If so, any predictions on the condition of the stream crossings after all this rain?
Nah, I didn't go. The weather was so nice that I decided to do Crawford Path instead. Some people are interested in heading over there April 9/10 weekend though. You can bushwhack around 1 or 2 of the stream crossings. I imagine if there's a lot of rain the others could be a little interesting. The water wasn't too high when I did Hancocks in October but I remember there being enough rocks to get across the streams. I guess I wouldn't trust any ice/snow bridges at this point.

-Dr. Wu