NE 115 Info Request

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Oct 7, 2003
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Colden from Marcy Dam pre-Irene
I apologize if this has been discussed here before, but is there a group/organization that tracks the NE115 or is it simply a combination of the AMC NE 4000 footers and the ADK 46ers acknowledging climber's records? Also, what is the best reference for the Maine 4000s, the AMC guide? My son and I are at 69/115 and counting.
Amc 4000

AMC's 4000 footer committee tracks the NE 111 as well.
To expand a bit on Peak's post - yes, it is the AMC 4K Committee which handles the NE111 paperwork, scroll and patches now. IIRC, Mike Dickerman is the person who actually handles it. And yes, the AMC Guide for Maine is probably the best source of trail info for the Maine Peaks. That, and a Delorme map book will go a long way. There's a couple of books, and few maps, which are helpful for the ADKs. If you need that info and can't find it using the Search function, post a request.

When I finished them a few years ago, I did the New England 67 first, sent in the paperwork, then did the ADK's plus Hunter & Slide in the Catskills. I submited the paperwork to ADK 46er committee, and then sent in the paperwork to the Northeast 111, which at the time was handled by Priscilla Robertson. Keep track of both the date and time you finished the final ADK, as well as Hunter & Slide. The reason for noting the time is not at all clear to me, but the ADKer's assign you a number, so maybe the number is somehow related to the time? Who knows? But the ADK number is a big deal to some people, so I need to act respectful regarding it.

Be patient when dealing with the AMC 4K committee as they can be very slow to respond. The ADK 46'ers, OTH, are pretty fast, in my experience.

Hope this helps, and good luck to you and your son. The completion of that goal is a big accomplishment, and not too many manage it, especially father and sons.
Thanks Kevin. We are both already 46ers #5246 and 5883. Yes, the 46ers assign numbers chronologically. We have also knocked off 23 in the Whites. Looking forward to the rest - Maine is a complete mystery to me but sounds like fun.

So, there are 115 NE peaks but the group is called the NE111? That's like the Big Ten Conference with 11 members. :confused:
eddie said:
So, there are 115 NE peaks but the group is called the NE111? That's like the Big Ten Conference with 11 members. :confused:

Yup, there are actually 115. There's a difference in culture between the ADK's the New England. The ADK's seem to take the attitude "if it was good enough for Marshall it's good enough for me". The NE 4K Committee, OTH, has taken the position that a peak has to be 4K' or greater in order to count, so over the years a few have been added, and a few dropped as more accurate measurements have become available. But the list name "111" - has stuck.

You have alot to look forward to in Maine. The Bigelows, Baxter, Hamlin and Abe as among the best hikes in the East.
Kevin Rooney said:
You have alot to look forward to in Maine. The Bigelows, Baxter, Hamlin and Abe as among the best hikes in the East.

+1 on that opinion.

I really liked being able to make out Kathadin from Avery Peak, and the NH White Mts. from Old Speck.