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"Rodents of unusual size, I don't believe they exist"

But seriously, most likely a Pine Marten or a Fisher. Fishers are rarely seen so I would bet on a Pine Marten. I was on the way up Algonquin with a friend who had seen two of them within a close proximity like you described.

Although Fishers do dig dens in the ground, under logs etc...
R.O.U.S.? Hmmm, I had just passed through the dreaded fire swamp...

The first sighting was probably a fisher, since it's size was in the 10 to 15 lb. estimate. The second may have been a mate, or a different species. The first seemed to have some white/light color on its body. While the second I spotted from above, so I never saw anything but his very thick and black fur.

I imagine they're territorial, so I assumed it was a mate. It was probably 2/3 the size of the first one, but I was also further away. Some 30 feet as opposed to 10 feet.

If only them thar weasels were posers we'd know for sure.
Not to change the subject back to Great Blue Herons. But, on a bushwhack to a secluded mountain last month, we happened accross a beaver pond and a nesting ground for the herons. I counted 38 heron nests in the trees and just as many herons flying around them.

It was something you would see on a National Geographic special.