Need water source info.

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New member
Sep 4, 2003
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Thornton, NH
I’m trying to decide between two day hikes and I need some input on water sources. First option would be dropping a car at Pinkham and taking the shuttle to the Bowman parking lot (provided the driver will drop me off at a non-scheduled stop) and take the Castle Trail to Jefferson. From Jefferson, I would run the ridge over to Washington and descend to Pinkham via the Lion Head Trail/Tuckerman Ravine Trail. Other than Washington, would I have water sources along the way? I remember there is one near Jefferson, but I cannot remember the exact spot.

Second option would be to ascend Washington via the Boott Spur Trail and descend via the Lion Head/Tuckerman Ravine Trail. Once again, other than Washington, would I have water sources along the way?

Has anyone ever put together a separate list of reliable water sources in the Whites?
If you go this weekend, just tilt you head back and open your mouth! :rolleyes:

Sorry, couldn't resist.....all this rain is getting to me. :p
Water sources

These sources would have to be treated, but I know there are two springs in your area that are on the AMC maps...I think one is near Edmand's Col and another is along the Gulfside. You would also have the waterfalls down Tuckerman's Ravine. I would say yor choices are to caryy 4-5 liters of H20 or carry a filter...

The AMC WMG lists all water sources along all of the different trails in the guide...the phrase "last reliable wate" comes up rather frequently in the text.

Of course, Little Bear's recommendation maybe all you need to do! :D

Lastly, it has always been my understanding that the shuttle will make stops like the one you described...just ask ahead when you book. The shuttle does not start for two more weeks.
Thanks Little Bear, I knew I could count on you. :D

The trip isn't until June 10th, so the shuttle will be running. I know the WMG lists water sources in their trail descriptions; I was just looking for a quick reference list. I always carry a filter on day trips as well as overnight trips, so filtering will not be a problem.
I have been using a Tyvek map that doesn’t mark the water sources the way the AMC maps do, so I was unclear as to the location of some water sources. I have, however, retrieved one of the old AMC maps and have subsequently marked my Tyvek map with the location of water sources, specifically the Greenough Spring, Spaulding Spring, and the Gulfside Spring. Thanks for the input.
For the hikes you describe, I'd just carry two full liter bottles and leave the filter behind. Two liters ought to be enough to get up Washington where you can refill them.
The water from Greenough and Spaulding is the best tasting water in the Whites, even moreso on a hot dry day.

sapblatt said:
You would also have the waterfalls down Tuckerman's Ravine. I would say yor choices are to caryy 4-5 liters of H20 or carry a filter...
The water in the Cutler River is polluted--sewage from the summit. I suspect that most of this drains down Ravine of Raymond Cataract, but some of it might go down Tuckerman. Presumably safe if filtered or treated.
