New ATV Park in Berlin NH

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BrentD22 said:
I sure hope they have constant patrols of the boarders to insure that there is no cross over.

Maybe the infamous "Ranger Dick" would find that task entertaining, constantly patroling the border. :)
10,000 acres that saw very little, if any, hiking anyway. It won't be missed.

I should have worded it differently. I really wanted to say is that they should do patrols so see if there are any signs of cross over. If there is an area that has shown cross over the could monitor that spot a little closer than other areas.
A few years ago a dirt bike/atv track opened in Winchester, NH. Since its opening I have noticed a decline of ATV/dirt bike activity in the area as more people are going to the track to ride and race on the weekends.

If this proposal has the same affect in the WMNF area then it would be a positive thing.
spider solo said:
I'm afraid I think not...I believe we are by far and large losing ground to recreational motorized sports.

We just opened up another 10,000 acres in this area on the logic that it was inconvient for them to have to travel so far from the population densitys and therefore more should be made to be at their disposal...
Isn't the vast majority of the WMNF off limits to ATVs? I'm not sure, but I thought that was in the last use plan. I support that, don't get me wrong, but I think it is unrealistic to have that situation and not have some alternative for people who enjoy riding ATVs.

We have large areas set aside for hiking, such as Wilderness Areas where no mechanized travel is allowed. The rest of the Whites allows snowmobiles but not ATVs, except on the main forest roads. We didn't lose this land, we (the hiking community) wasn't even using it.

Whether we enjoy it or not, ATV riding is a legitamate form of recreation for many people. There are large parts of northern NH that are not used by hikers that would be perfect for this type of ATV parks. If it provides an outlet for the many folks who like to vacation up north with their machines and takes pressure off the NF, I'm all for it. NH is big enough to share.

where's EARTH FIRST! whan ya need 'em? atv's? you gotta be kidding me! but then i'm a card-carryin' elitist. **** atv's. i mad don't like snowmobiles but at least they don't cause much (if any) erosion. atv's? **** 'em.
Though I'm inclined to state it differently I tend to agree with Bruno on this one.

Land not used by hikers does not mean it is land for others to trash to satiate their needs.
I see local town forests, State parks, Nat'l parks being over run with motorized toys.
I don't think we are remotely holding our own on this one..we are on the losing side... big time.

There is more to hiking than the WMNF .

10,000 acres hardly hiked....whose going to miss it anyway...You gotta be kidding ??
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David Metsky said:
Isn't the vast majority of the WMNF off limits to ATVs? I'm not sure, but I thought that was in the last use plan. I support that, don't get me wrong, but I think it is unrealistic to have that situation and not have some alternative for people who enjoy riding ATVs.

We have large areas set aside for hiking, such as Wilderness Areas where no mechanized travel is allowed. The rest of the Whites allows snowmobiles but not ATVs, except on the main forest roads. We didn't lose this land, we (the hiking community) wasn't even using it.

Whether we enjoy it or not, ATV riding is a legitamate form of recreation for many people. There are large parts of northern NH that are not used by hikers that would be perfect for this type of ATV parks. If it provides an outlet for the many folks who like to vacation up north with their machines and takes pressure off the NF, I'm all for it. NH is big enough to share.


Agreed. Nh is big enough to share, and this is the way to do it; not by letting everyone go everywhere because some forms of recreation (ATVs, snowmobiles) don't mix with others (hiking, bc skiing). I think the way it is here now is fine. The north country is already hunting and snowmobile country, with little hiking activity. Aren't you glad that not everyone likes to hike? Imagine the traffic on the trails :eek: :eek: :eek:

My words were too harsh. Of course it will be missed. By myself for one, as I have been in the area being discussed. All land is precious, but my opinion is to share and share alike. I personally don't like ATV's, but there are other factors involved than just my opinion of them.
Anybody have a map of the proposed park? I may have hiked on it's border going from Jericho Mtn to Sugar Hill.

I think it will have a positive economic effect just like the skiers bring to Waterville Valley and the snowmobilers bring to Twin Mountain, and this is an area that could use it. A guy I know just bought a ranch house on a main road about 5 miles from there, it is on 12 acres with a 1-acre pond and the asking price was $160K.

A park like this will be good for riders who just want to cover miles and do stunts, just like commercial X-C areas are fine for those who see skiing as exercise. Those riders who want a change of scenery or experience in a more remote area won't be satisfied, some may cross the boundaries illegally while others will lobby for access to larger areas.

The WMNF at one time had 7 trails designated for ATV/4wd use but this number has gradually been whittled and I'm not sure there are any left. One example is the fire warden's road up Speckled Mtn in the ME portion. This road was rocky and eroded when jeeps used it, but it was closed to vehicles long before it became a Wilderness and last time I was there it was grassing in and pleasant.
The only snowmobiling trail up a mountain in the WMNF that I know of is the Carriage Road up Moosilauke. It stops short of the ridge but it gets snowmobiles up to around 4000' which I doubt they can do anywhere else. But this is on private land (Dartmouth College) and has a long history of snowmachine use. We also work cooperatively with the Asquamchumaukee Snowmobile Club on policing and maintenance issues, and we got a gov't grant for multi-use trails to essentially rebuild the trail 10 years ago.

But there's no ATV traffic allowed.

Aside from that, I don't know of anything else that really goes up anything. All other snowmobile traffic is either very low terrain or on gated roads. But I've wandered away from the topic.

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