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New member
Jan 16, 2004
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Flyin Thru The Night :-)
Look'n to learn some climbing basics - rappeling, etc. - before i go for lessons/guide wanna do some reading up. Anyone have any favorite books that start at the most basic level and progress from there? Thanks. :confused:
all you really need is "mountaineering: the freedom of the hills" published by the mountaineers. you can get it at most any outdoor shop or bookstore. it is the bible of mountaineering. get it and you won't go wrong.
"I agree with Bruno."

Darn, that's a catchy phrase. Seriously, M:TFOTH is the right book. Recent older editions have a lot of the same basic information for less $.
I also agree; M:TFOTH is a great all around source. A few other sources specific to rock climbing that might be fun to read are:

Royal Robbins: "Basic Rockcraft" - it's old and quirky, but fun, classic and very quotable, and does have a lot of good information.

John Long: "How to Rock Climb" - Good basic book by another funny guy.

Don Mellor: "Trailside Guide: Rock Climbing" - Good introductory book by a very good writer. This is a nationally published series, but Don is a local Adirondack resource who also happens to have edited the last several editions of the Climbing Guide to the Adirondacks.

i'd forgotten about those royal robbins books. they're great cause they have pics of the way hardguys used to dress back in the day--painter pants and rugby shirts.

another good book is mark twight's "extreme alpinism". for those who aren't aware of this cat, he's a total headcase but a very talented alpinist. his collection of short pieces in his "kiss or kill" (i think it's called) ain't to be missed neither!). dog is 'core. way 'core.
The Mountaineers Books

M:TFOTH and other useful climbing how-to titles are available from their publisher, The Mountaineers Books, at The Mountaineers Books -- Climbing -- How To .

The Mountaineers is a nonprofit club based in the Pacific NW. In addition to their excellent publishing operation, they run training courses and outings on everything from sea kayaking to high altitude mountaineering. They're also major advocates for wildland preservation.
Along with books already mentioned, I also own Rock Climbing for Dummies It has lots of cartoon illustrations if you're a visual learner :)
Sometimes simple is bset to grasp the understanding of a new concept.

I also own Knots for Climbers another book with step by step instructions and pictures.
freedom of the hills

I completely agree with all about: "mountaineering: the freedom of the hills"

this book is great, covers alot of topics and you can research a question in it or just pick it up and randomnly start reading and be entertained as well as educated.
Gris: When are you going for your lesson? I can lend you my copy of Freedom of the Hills if you want it.
not til after i read up! if ya dont mind bring the book along on hancocks hike and i'll borrow it til i come back up in March... OK? i'll bring ya a few good reads to swap during the meantime.
Sounds like a deal, Gris! If you think of it, just try to jog me rusty ol' memory. The older I get, the less my memory banks seem to be able to hold!