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In Rembrance , July 2024
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Gorham NH
I stopped by to visit with the Thursday night group at Barnes field. 50 to 60 degree weather in January? They are set up really well, take a right when you come to the tee and the main tent is 3 sites in on the right. I didnt count but would estimate 12 to 15 folks had made it by 9:00 PM. Carol from New Jersey appears to have the distance record so far. Plenty of room for tents. Plenty of any variety of alcohol, plus burgers and hot dogs to order.

BTW, I did see a few folks trying to drive into Dolly Copp campground. Barnes field is at the end of the road past the entrance to Dolly Copp, once you have turned off 16.

Things to bring, CRAMPONS, The warm up and the rain with the expected cool down tonight will make things icy. There is 1 to 3 inches of snow expected this afternoon so light duty insteps will be useless as they will pack up with snow before they catch any ice. (then again they might be helpful in the kitchen tent) CHAIRS, standing around the fireplace gets old after awhile.
ICe Stakes, the ground is frozen solid, you will have to drive tent stakes into the ice and frozen ground.

Warm clothes for Saturday evening- Its supposed to get cold and breezy Saturday evening. Plan for minus temps.

Name tags - "Hi my name is" might be a worthy addition.

So far the forecast for Saturday is excellent.

If someone needs to get a message to someone at the gathering, I will be checking this thread on occasion over the weekend and plan to drop by Barnes field on occasion(I have to work the weekend so I wont be going on any of the trips). No guarantees so this wouldnt be appropriate for getting hooked up with a hiking group.
Is there any snow cover at Barnes Field or has it been washed away?
It was probably washed away. BUT, temp has dropped to 30* in Franconia and it's been snowing heavily for the last hour. Ground is white again. Pack your snow shovels and keep your fingers crossed. Power was off 9 hours overnight and still browning down so I won't fire up the computer again until it stops.
It was 42 degrees on the summit of Mt Washington at 5am, currently it is 19 degrees and dropping fast. With all the ice up there maybe this will be the year that Washington gets its own glacier :)
If there isn't any snow, does anyone have suggestions of how to stake a tent into frozen ground? I'll be getting up to the field around 7:00 tonight.
There will be no bagels, repeat no bagels

Those 8" or more nails available in sporting and hardware stores work great. Just bring a hammer.

Peakbagger: Please extend my regrets that Margaret & I will not be making it this year. My speedometer crapped out yesterday giving me fears of Gorham speeding tickets, the engine check light went on and an oil like fluid is leaking from the valves. An hour out we turned around in some of the thickest pea soup fog I've seen. So, I'll be spending the weekend at home with the 2 dozen potluck bagels & 20 handmade wursts to console me. The car is being checked in for further observation.

message to Dave Metsky/ Adams hike tomorrow

If someone sees this and runs into Dave, please let him know that I will not had to cancel my plans... will not be climbing Adams tomorrow. Thanks!

Hey Warren, send them over here.. Mmmmmm, bagels! :)

I went hiking today in Black Rock Forest Preserve (in Cornwall, NY). I couldn't imagine how much better we lucked out with the weather there. Got there around 1pm and the snow/sleet/rain crap stopped just as we got there. There is some snow up there, about 3 inch on the spots that weren't wet.

Might head up to the Ice Caves in ellenville on Sunday. Sorry to hear about your Toyota... I thought I'll pass on if Fred didn't tell you, the Funkmobile is dead! the Funkmobile is dead!.

Sherpa Sarah (not a VFTT member) and I will be heading up in the AM bright and early. leaving here at 5am to make it to Imp north trailhead for 7am. We'll see if we make it. Hope to join them folks for a Mid.southie carter hike and then we're packin ramen noodles for the pot luck! SWEET!

Sherpa J
Enjoy the weekend!!!

Enjoy the camping, comraderie, and whatever trips you go on.

Would like to be with you but, given my snowshow trip to VT last weekend, I can't get out a second week in a row.
Saturday AM - Lots of new faces last evening, but winter weather temps have returned. Two intrepid crews scaled cabot and the weeks and both encoutered enough snow to make snowshoes desirable, so my prior speculation on snowshoes is probably off if you are planning hiking on unused trails to the north, (then again yesterdays rain probably froze overnight).

Barnes Field is an ice sheet with about 1 inch of snow on top. Standing around on ice is a lot colder than hiking on ice! I am not aware of anything needed at this point, although chairs are rare. I was told last night that my firewood stash would not be needed. The group is restricted to burning in a fire ring so the fire can only get so big.

Based on the forecast for this evening, hot food is probably the best thing to bring!. The cook tent/warming tent looks like its well equipped for stoves. Paperplates and cups will probably be handy.

I am looking at Madison and Adams from the window and it looks to be a prime climbing day!
BrentD22 said:
:mad: :(

This sucks, I can't make it out. The wife is killing me!

Don't feel bad. I was up there Thursday night. I only had 2 days I could spend, and I picked the 2 worse weather days! I ended up going home early Friday. Looks like the weekend weather was pretty nice. :mad:

So I was at a meeting last night and met the manager/ranger for Barnes Field. I was wearing my VFTT hat and he asked if I had been at the party. He told me of collecting fees and asking that the sign be taken down.

overall, he commended the group on civility.

I forgot his name already, though.

Sherpa, I guess you weren't too rude to him about the sign...


That's good to know. I wondered if he'd have a problem with the loud rock music blasting late into the night on Saturday. Guess not. "FREE BIRD!!!"

Or, maybe he just had a brownie and fell asleep!

I think Sherpa is in Baxter this week training for our trip on Feb 18th!
