Through your questions and your 2007 poll example you have insinuated that VFFT members would not benefit from an outreach education program because of their elite status. Others in this thread have been tip-toeing around this as well. This has been an ongoing charge, from some views members, for years.
So Tim, is this elitism? If it is, please thoroughly explain your position, and your justification for your opinion as I have done for mine.
If it is elitism, wear it proudly.
You can't just cut n run when the discussion becomes difficult.
This is suppose to be an exchange of ideas. I would like to thoroughly understand your position.
"Others in this thread have been tip-toeing around this as well." (quote from above)
My recent post might be interpreted as "tip -toeing around this".
I don't believe for minute that we are "elitist" but we are
"different". Hiking for many us is a very integral part of our lives. I, for one, wanted lots of advice from experienced hikers. I read everything I could get my hands on relating to this topic. Still do in fact.
Start each day with coffee and VFTT. ( Does drinking Starbucks make me elitist?
There are some folks who appear very interested in hearing and heeding any warnings or educations tips that are are offered by folks who have much to share.
And then there are those who I described in my recent post. Simply said they don't appear to want to hear it or heed it. As E Rugs said because you put a pack on does not make you a hiker. And then there are those who never even bother with pack, the map, the water bottle, the foul weather, etc. etc. etc. They willy nilly just go forth to "climb the mountain."
Because we identify that this just might be a little problem does not make us "elitist". It's simple a fact, certainly something that I, and many others, have observed on many more than one occasion when hiking.
I have often felt that I am the "outreach education program". I try and sometimes they listen and sometimes they don't. Can I benefit from an "outreach educational program". I do every day starting at about 6am. I learn about the best routes, the finest traction boots, the warmest lightest clothes, the most practical packs, the newest maps, the weather.
I learn from others mistakes. All of you are my "outreach program."
Will I continue my "outreach program" when I meet those who appear to be in critical need of hearing it? YES! I don't care it they heed it or not. I have done my part to help educate them and hopefully they will absorb my input and take necessary precautions. If they do not, so be it. Live and learn. Sometimes "experiential learning" is best. Hopefully the price won't be too steep.
I hesitated posting last evening on this topic because my first thought was just that. Someone will surely think I am "elitist".
Being an "experienced hiker" I forged ahead and shared it regardless. No guts, no glory! OR better still...NO GUTS, NO GREENIE! I don't understand why we even need to be caught up in this word "elitist." IMHO it serves no purpose except possibly to stifle someone from expressing themselves.