In Rembrance , July 2024
One of the "tools" I use when planning hikes typically in the spring is the streamflow data at various monitoring sites located around the whites to get an idea on stream crossings and snow melt conditions. There is new map based front end which is a plus compared to the prior state based sites It comes with weather radar on by default which can be turned off (with some looking) which makes finding a gage a lot easier. The station colors denoting flow are useful for getting an overview. Currently the only "green" sites are on rivers controlled by upstream dams with most natural rivers in dark red (very low range). The Bartlette gage on the upper Saco is a new daily low (but its fairly new gage).
Where IMO it falls down is detailed station data. The info is there but it requires a bit of searching and scrolling.
The old detailed sites were not graphically pretty but a lot of info was available on one page. I looked up the East Branch of the Pemi gage
Old Page
New Page
The old page had the long term median flow superimposed on the flow by default, the new detail page doesn't ever show flow only gage height. Gage height and flow can be selected but it takes some looking and scrolling.
Looke like the old sites disappear after next June
Where IMO it falls down is detailed station data. The info is there but it requires a bit of searching and scrolling.
The old detailed sites were not graphically pretty but a lot of info was available on one page. I looked up the East Branch of the Pemi gage
Old Page
New Page
The old page had the long term median flow superimposed on the flow by default, the new detail page doesn't ever show flow only gage height. Gage height and flow can be selected but it takes some looking and scrolling.
Looke like the old sites disappear after next June