The last word....
Thank You every reader,
A special Thanks to: una dogger, mookie, Bab Harris, ksearl, Peakbagr, MichaelJ, daxs, Little Rickie, eddie, Rik, Tim Seaver, Boreal Chickadee, Paradox, Dr Dasapodidae. They take time to write a special word.
ColdRiverRun: It was a real easy Winter in Vermont, We never saw deep snow, We saw only few snowflakes.
I need to Know Me better also!!!
Yvon: You are a bad friend... Green Pinpin try to stay Incognito!!
Joe Cedar, since Allen your first winter peak, You made many giants steps!!! It was nice to meet You in Marshall.
Black Spruce: thumb down or up, was the difference between the dead or the life for the Gladiator
Timmus: every time it was a back slap to see your smile.
Motabobo: To be behind or in from, it is few thing, hiked the summit was the goal, make it with friends change a day in a holyday!!!
Tom: Yes, We was slacking

, but We had 366 days more on my small shoulders for this first Winter day!!!
Rejean: Nobody can know What will be tomorrow, day by day, peak by peak...Winter by Winter.
IceNsow, congratulation for your Winter. We finished this Winter in Marshall N.Y. to help The Queen to finish a other round....
RoySwkr: We keep You for the final word.
1- 2 peaks by day keed the doctor faraway...
2- "Rent a condo in N.H would be a good idea", Can You start to pass the hat to pay this?
3- A peak it is never close for a rabbit!! We just need to stay far of the Dogs!
4- In the U.S. jail can I order a carrots soup?
Green Pinpin.