NH Night Out! -- 9/1/05


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Which city works best for you?

  • Manchvegas, the City of Lights

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • Concord, what a capital idea!

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • Massachu... er... I mean Salem

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Nashua (Insert funny commment here)

    Votes: 9 30.0%
  • None of the above!

    Votes: 9 30.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Double Bow

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Apr 29, 2005
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Ashuelot, NH (anyone know where that is?) Avatar:
Well, the Beers in Boston event is a really good idea but, some of us can't make it down there but, we'll be with you in spirit(s)! ;) In fact, I want to see if folks would be interested in going out for drinks the same night up here in New Hampshire!

So all you New Hampshireites (and Northern Mass folks too!), let us know what you think and where is good for you!
Concord is probably more centered geographically and is easier to get into and out of for our less inclined countrified folk.The Barley House in Concord is a decent place to meet. Decent food and enough space to accomodate.

In Manch there are a few spots. Strange Brew near downtown is ok as is The Wild Rover( which should still have ol'Marty Quirk strummin away on a thursday)I have been trying to get the little catchphrase Manch-Vegas changed to Manch-Angeles for some time now. (Manch-Antonio never caught on).
Im working in Concord till 7 that night but would entertain meeting up with people afterwards...
For me, personally, Manchester is the best choice though Concord and Salem both "work". All of them have a Margarita's. Concord also has the Common Man and Cheers. In Manch, I like Strange Brew (though loud) and the Rover is good but, a little small. Jillian's can be fun and there's a new place called J. W. Hill's which also looks good. I'm not too familiar with the places in Nashua but, I'm always open to try new things!

BTW, I DO like the Manch-Angeles bit though, don't forget Manchhatten! (Actually, Cotton has a drink by that name)
Seems like VFTT is forming chapters. I was thinking of having a beer session for the Nutmeggers in Hamden. I don't think anybody will show up so it will be in my closet where I usually go to drink alone.
I voted for Nashua, despite being a Mass#*!e. I couldn't think of a clever joke, either. W*rk schedule makes happy hour a rarity for me, but I am in the greater Nashua metro area.
I voted Nashua, Manchester would work too but I can't make it this week.

If you all get together another time I will try and do it- need more lead time from work.
I'm not a full-time New Hampshirian yet, but I took the liberty of casting a vote because:
  • I like NH better than where I live now.
  • I spend a lot of time there.
  • When I retire (soon, I hope), that is where I will live.
I voted None of the above because when I am in NH, I am in the White Mountains region. Up Country in N. Conway on karaoke night (Thursday and Sunday) is the place to go. :D

My home is 1/2 way between Manchester & Boston, however where I work is closer to Boston. If it's a Friday (I can usually sneak out early on Fridays, but work till 5 or 6 every other night) or weekend night I could do Manchester.
All right, it looks like Nashua is the winner and will be getting subjected to us!

Can someone from that area suggest a place that may be convenient to Rt 3 and might be a good location (not so loud we have to scream, not so small that there would be no place for us)? Tony?
amstony said:
Nashua has Martha's Exchange, Michael Timothy's (Bar side) and Manhattan on Pearl downtown that are nice places to meet.

Close off of od Rt 3 there is:

Joe's American Bar and Grille at Pheasant Lane Mall, (exit 36 from RT 3 N or exit on RT 3S) Louie Louies bar in the lower level of that Italian style restaurant on DW Highway, Shortys (Mexican) at exit 6 on RT 3S, and Bugaboo Creek has a bar (but might be pricey- I haven't tried it) and of course Hooters :D on Spit brook Rd on RT 3, exit 1 -across from Barnes and Nobles.

If there is more.......chime in
Puck said:
Seems like VFTT is forming chapters. I was thinking of having a beer session for the Nutmeggers in Hamden. I don't think anybody will show up so it will be in my closet where I usually go to drink alone.

For us more country inclined folks we would entertain a North Country Chapter but we would have to make it Root Beer at Storyland around 3:00 PM
Sierra, thanks- its actually a picture of me after getting back from a hike later than I told Mrs. Tuco.

I will try and stop by since Nashua is kind of on the way home.
OK, so it looks like we can plan to meet at Joe's at 6:30ish tomorrow. This location will be quasi-friendly to those of us who will be coming up from MA or who live farther north since it's right off Rt 3 and is hard to miss even for folks unfamiliar with the area. I will be coming up from Wilmington, MA and will be wearing a hawiian print shirt, khakis, and sandles. Look for the 30ish guy with the red goatee. We can meet at the door and go in together. Any straglers can just come in and join us.

Who all thinks they will be able to make it?