Lefty E
Active member
Trails: Mt. Kinsman Trail: AM: frozen wet areas, dry trail for the most part up past the first crossings, where some ice patches appeared, careful foot placements needed...3 water crossings done easily on rocks or a log, smaller ones up high still frozen..once past the Bald Mt spur, snow/ice became more common and we put on stabilicers, microspikes, and hillsounds pros..Kinsman Ridge Trail had one small step over blowdown, and trail has deep snowpack still and was frozen for us...no post holing..great views of course and went to Kinsman Pond shelter, where heard was a barred owl...in PM ran into Bruce who was cleaning a long side ditch and was going to clean out many waterbars today...great job Bruce!! down low, trail in great shape and dry...when we came out at 109 PM the trailhead weather was like summertime conditions...with cool weather tonite i feel the snow/ice will stay frozen and it would be a good time to tag these peaks....thanks to Rod and TC (43/48) for a nice hike
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