Now we know what 70 mph winds are capable of!

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I know its bad of me, but I could not stop laughing at the thought of Tinkerbell the chihuahua being blown away. And Tinkerbells owner is Dorthy, way to funny.
Ha, that is pretty funny, in hindsight knowing they got their dog back. I just sent this to a friend of mine whose ex-wife has a chihuahua...

"Yo quiero el balasto."

I know its bad of me, but I could not stop laughing at the thought of Tinkerbell the chihuahua being blown away. And Tinkerbells owner is Dorothy, way to funny.

FYP: Dorothy

Too funny (yes, given that Tinker Bell survived).

Same as my reaction: "We are not in Kansas anymore, Toto," err, "Tinker Bell."