NY Appalachian Trail partner(s) wanted for January


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Nov 14, 2003
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Canton, NY. Avatar: Mt. Washington in Winter:
Last January I left off just before (SW of )the Taconic Parkway. I'd like to finish the NY section and maybe grab a good chunk of Conn.
We could do it either as day hikes, or as a backpacking trip. The thing is to have 2 cars.
It's the most wonderful time of the year to do this section: NO DEER TICKS!
PM me with more details. I live 5 minutes from trail and might be able to join you for a few days.
Boy Mark, I need that section too. When are you planning on going? I am in Mass now. (Last time you were working on this -2 years ago?) I was living in PA. I remember wishing I could join you then.
Please PM with details
Im interested in these AT sections as well so post, PM, or E-mail me as to your schedule.
AT dates

It looks like the best dates for me will be Jan 16-18, Sun-Tues.
Jan. 10-14, Mon-Fri, were looking good, but I just got a jury duty notice in the mail today. It's for the 13th, and may go into the 14th. Or the case may be settled out of court. I don't know how much advance notice I'd get about that.
AT hike NY-CT

MarkL said:
It looks like the best dates for me will be Jan 16-18, Sun-Tues.

Mark-- are conditions along that portion of the AT currently bareboot or snowshoe? --Walt
bareboot or snowshoe

I'm not from that area, so I'm just going on info gathered from 3 web sites, incl. VFTT.
Someone in the Hudson Valley said they got 6" snow on Thurs. Someone else said up to 9" in the Catskills.
A snow depth site, http://www.wunderground.com/StateSnowDepth.asp?state=NY , says currently 3" on the ground at Poughkeepsie, and 2" at West Point.
Forecasts are for temps in the 40's this coming week, so whatever the depth, it will dwindle.
I'd go with bare boots, but bring crampons or even just insteps in case there's ice hiding under that snow that the snow hasn't firmly bonded to.
Are you interested in hiking there either this Mon-Wed, or the following Sun-Tues? It's a long trip (~6hrs) for me, but I'm still willing to give it a go.
NY AT partners for January

Mark--I'm really looking for snow. Have mukluks, snowshoes, leather boots, no crampons. I might be a candidate for Sun-Tues, depending on certain practicalities. I'll send you a private email.
16-18 Possible

A late start on Sun the 16th works here, if interested e-mail me. My guess is little if any snow by then.