NY Times: Land Deal to Push Pataki Over the Million-Acre Mark


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Papa Bear

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Sep 3, 2003
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New York City
An interesting article in today's NY Times on out-going Governor Pataki's legacy for open space preservation in NY State.


Opinions on NY state and the out-going gorvernor on other issues aside (as well as being off-topic), one might wish other states and leaders in the northeast (as well as else where) would do as well on this particular issue.

(Cany you parse that sentence? :))
Papa Bear said:
one might wish other states and leaders in the northeast (as well as else where) would do as well on this particular issue.
um, yes. (understatement)

New Jersey has also done particularly well in recent years, with its Green Acres program, with a huge bond ($1 billion) at the state level, and relatively high amounts from many municipalities which have the authority under state law to assess an open space tax to fund acquisition of conservation land. (may be a plus/minus depending on whether you think this should be paid for by general property tax revenue) -- though the property valuations are so high now that it's a little late to make as much of a difference as that kind of money would make in areas where development hasn't hit yet. :(

Side note: There are 5 1/2 business days left in 2006. If you're planning on charitable tax donations for 2006, consider a local land trust which could use the $$$ to help protect recreational spaces in your neighborhood...
That's a pretty good deal for the forestry company ... $6.5 million and they get to keep logging the land.