" All state parks are open " ? This press release dated 5/28 seems odd .
We drove by Devil's Tombstone on Friday and it was closed . We stayed at Colgate Lake where we talked at length with a DEC Ranger and he made no mention of any change in the parks closures .
In that case,DEC doesn't operate State Parks (with the exception of the state lands within the Adirondack and the Catskill State Parks, which work differently).
State Parks are operated by a different governmental agency, the Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation (OPRHP).
Devil's Tombstone is not a state park, it is a state campground operated by the DEC. The DEC operates all of the state campgrounds within the Adirondacks and the Catskills. Outside of these areas, campgrounds in state parks are operated by OPHRP. The DEC campgrounds in the Adirondacks and the Catskills, as far as I know, weren't included in the bill to reopen the closed state parks.
Just a pet preve, but I have begun to notice that whenever a politician, employer uses the trendy verbage "going forward" the plan is anything but progressive....
Yeah! FDR is a National Park.Places like schunemunk that are largely maintained by NYNJTC probably will be ok and I suspect volunteer groups will work to maintain and continue to improve cherished public areas. I am surprised to see FDR and Mills Norrie on this list, but again am pretty confident the public will pick up the ball and probably do a better job at it!
FDR (Roosevelt) State Park Westchester Reduce Swimming Pool Season
The only "FDR" I see on the list is this: