I'm planning an overnight this weekend, lv Friday and return Sat. Would like to do something on Chocorua (in that region at least). Any ideas where to park and camp?
The Piper trailhead on Rte 16 seems like a good place to leave a car overnight. The Piper Trail takes you up past Camp Penacook, though I don't know if that's still maintained. Alternately, you can take the Piper/Weetamoo/Hammond/Liberty route up to Jim Liberty "Cabin"; I'm pretty sure that's still in use.
Both are reasonably high up and less than an hour's hike from the summit. I imagine the summit would be pretty deserted (for a change) early on Saturday morning.
According to the Official regs, there is no camping allowed in the Chocorua Scenic Area except at Jim Liberty and Camp Penacook. I don't have the maps in front of me but I imagine that the summit is inside the Scenic Area. Even if it isn't, I think it wouldn't be allowed because of the above treeline rule.
Yup, the summit is included in the designated scenic area. Pretty much the whole mountain is included. You can camp on Brook and Liberty Trails up to about 1700'. Stay at Pennacook or Liberty Cabin if you want to be legal.