Panther and Santanoni from Tahawus

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Sep 4, 2004
Reaction score
Portland Oregon
Date of Hike: 2008-12-06 Saturday

Trail Conditions:

Road from parking lot snowy but ploughed -- bare boots best.

Blue trail to Bradley Pond needed snowshoes, though snow was not very deep.

Herd path from Bradley Pond to Times Square was challenging. Was unbroken, now is broken so should be less challenging until the next snowfall.

Panther was Panther. Only ice we found was near summit.

Times Square to Santanoni. Took us 2.5 hrs!! Trail was unbroken and very challenging. At least there is now a trail for the rest of you to follow (until the next big snowfall). We did a reasonably good job of keeping to the herd path but not without digressions.

Santanoni back to Blue Trail via new (old) ridge trail. A group of 6 had summited Santanoni and returned via this path before we summited. (We met them in the parking lot in the morning.) This was a beautifully packed trail. Felt like we were walking on a sidewalk. Very pleasant after the slough from Times Square. (Thanks folks!!)

Special Equipment Required: Snowshoes essential. (Crampons would have been useless.)

Comments: Was very cold. 8 degrees F in the parking lot in the morning. Was also a beautiful day. We had originally planned on doing Couch as well, one of our best decisions was NOT doing Couch. As it was we started at 6:30 am and got out at 5:00 pm. Couch would have added 3-4 more hours.