Active member
Date of Hike: Dec 19, 2009
Trail Conditions:
Special Equipment Required: Zealand bare-bootable, though I used snowshoes. Twinway past the hut - snowshoes recommended. One barebooter was postholing quite badly.
Comments: Late start and slow on Twinway had me turning around early - only went as far as the overlook, rather than Zealand. Pretty cold morning (-14 just west of Fryeburg) but warmer as you gained elevation.
Trail Conditions:
Zealand road freshly plowed to the water company made for an easy walk.
Zealand trail packed firm with many freshly cleared blowdowns. Crossings snow covered but not quite solid.
Twinway past the hut to the lookout just before Zeacliff had seen some activity but still a bit soft. Twinway south toward Zealand wasn't broken when I went by on the way to the overlook but was on the way back.
Zealand trail packed firm with many freshly cleared blowdowns. Crossings snow covered but not quite solid.
Twinway past the hut to the lookout just before Zeacliff had seen some activity but still a bit soft. Twinway south toward Zealand wasn't broken when I went by on the way to the overlook but was on the way back.
Special Equipment Required: Zealand bare-bootable, though I used snowshoes. Twinway past the hut - snowshoes recommended. One barebooter was postholing quite badly.
Comments: Late start and slow on Twinway had me turning around early - only went as far as the overlook, rather than Zealand. Pretty cold morning (-14 just west of Fryeburg) but warmer as you gained elevation.
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