Partners to hike with - Adirondacks March 20-21

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ALGonquin Bob

Well-known member
Sep 5, 2003
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Winter's last weekend is upon us. I'd like to hike up a couple more Adirondack peaks this weekend. Since I still need 33 High Peaks, I'm pretty flexible as to what we climb. I'm thinking something in the Great Range (either side of the Lake Road), or the Dixes. No jackrabbits, as I'm old and slow... :D
AlG said:
...No jackrabbits, as I'm old and slow... :D
How old and how slow? Different people have different perspectives. If you're in the 51 +/- 10 range, I might be in the ballpark. I'll have to check with the wife on the social calendar before I could commit. Are you thinking of camping? When are you planning on heading up there? I'm not working on any lists, so I'm open to just about any peaks...
Hi Oldsmores, I'm just one year older than you. We might be compatible hikers. I'm willing to camp one night, or just do a couple dayhikes. I'd be driving up after work Friday, and arriving sometime around midnight. I normally sleep in my car at a trailhead that first night.

A few sets of peaks to consider would be Dial/Nippletop, Sawteeth/Gothics, Marshall & Colden, or the Dix Range. I'm a little on the slow side, but I can hike all day at that pace (and sometimes I do! :eek: ). -ALGonquin
I figured you were in the right age range from your Grateful Dead quote, but you never know...
Unfortunately, the little woman tells me that we're hosting a euchre night this weekend, so I won't be doing any hiking. Keep me in mind for future opportunities. Of the hikes you mentioned, I'd love to do Sawteeth sometime. I've been up Gothics a lot, but always from John's Brook. Dixes would also be fun. I'm fond of the approach to Dix from Rt. 73 because of the great campsites, but I assume you're looking at bagging all of them, so the other side is probably a better choice.
Have fun this weekend - wish I was able to go!
AlG--I am looking for any type of hiking that weekend. Any of the hikes you have mentioned work for me. Tell me what trailhead to meet you at and what time, and I'm there. I'll do dayhikes. or an overnight.
Oldsmores, I'll keep you in mind. I'll probably hike some fire tower peaks in April, but I might have to miss hiking in May and June. If you, or anybody else is interested in hiking some of the New York (Adk & Catskill) fire tower mountains, I'll post some of my hikes on VFTT.

Mr. Hillman, If you're game (and anyone else), I'd really like to climb up Sawteeth, Gothics, and Armstrong this Saturday. And if there's any fuel left in the tank, maybe we can get Nippletop and Dial on Sunday. I'll be overnighting Friday at the Roaring Brook trailhead, as long as it's plowed. Look for my Honda wagon.
That plan sounds perfect. What trailhead do you want to start from on saturday? AMR right, since it's right across from the roaring brook trailhead? What time do you want to meet there? I might also try to get up there to sleep friday night, but lately I've been just getting up at 2am and driving there for a 6-7am start. As usual, I am stoked for some major hiking.
Doug (and any other interested trekkers),
I'll aim for a 6AM start, but it usually ends up closer to 7:00. Look for me either at the Roaring Brook trailhead where I'll be preparing, or across Rt. 73 at the AMR (St. Hubert's) trailhead lot where I'll park for the hike. :D
That would be for saturday the 19th, right? 6-7 am in the amr parking lot. Sawteeth, gothics and armstrong. I can't wait. I love it when a plan comes together.