Pat and Audrey's potluck Saturday, November 4, 2017

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Sep 4, 2003
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MA. Avatar: Pat,Audrey,& Leo on N Moat
Hi all,

Sorry I'm so late with this, you non-Facebookers! Looking forward to seeing everyone at 82 Lowell Street, Lexington, MA 02420.
Home phone 781-862-0733, cell 781-999-0320 (call or text).
Doors open at 4 pm.
As usual, bring something to eat if you are so inclined, and your favorite beverage.
The fire pits haven't rusted through yet, and some healthy firewood is always welcome.
Plenty of room to stay over, inside and out, but let me know...I also have some mattresses and pads available. Best breakfast in town!
I'm reviving this thread from 2017. Pat and Audrey are having another Pot Luck this year on Saturday evening November 2, 2019. Audrey has authorized Allison and me to inform VFTT members. Attendees are suggested bring pot luck dish and beverage. Address information is shown above. Past attendees know the drill by now.
Thank you, Pat and Audrey, for your generous and gracious hospitality which reunites and introduces an exceptional group of hikers and their support system! I hope you can continue this tradition for many years. For me, the memories reignited by such an occasion lend inspiration for more adventures away from the flatlands.