Pat and Audrey's potluck Saturday, 11/8/14

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Sep 4, 2003
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MA. Avatar: Pat,Audrey,& Leo on N Moat
It's been a while since I was here. My health hasn't been the best and hiking has been severely curtailed. I'm stronger now and getting on VFTT won't be as depressing for me as it was before! :)

So, it's time for our house party! Fingers crossed for good weather so we can have our teeny fire pits going and risk getting a visit from the cops (hasn't happened yet!).
Here's a link to a previous invite, with some details:

Ignore the old date! This year it's November 8, 5 pm.
Our address is 82 Lowell St., Lexington, MA. House phone 781-862-0733; cell 207-604-4373.

I've invited a bunch of you via Facebook, so you can respond there.

We don't need any firewood, thanks to some past storms.

Looking forward to seeing folks again and to meeting new faces.
Audrey, it has been a long time since I have been here too! I'm planning on coming! I am so looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones.

Someone had better take a lot of photos for us, as we'll be in the Smokies starting that day and will miss you all very much!
...we'll be in the Smokies starting that day ...

You mean the Great Soggy Mountains? It fascinated me to learn that they get as much rainfall as the Pacific Northwest and bluebird days are no where near as common as in the Northeast. Having said that we found the trails to be in excellent condition and well drained. When they have a washout it is sometimes the whole side of the mountain.

As a result of its climate, the area has some of the greatest biodiversity on the planet.
Helena and I will be there. Looking forward to seeing you all.
I regret that I will not be able to come. My father passed away last night and I'm flying to home - my sis and I will drive to Arkansas from Texas to join friends and family in mourning Dad's passing and in celebrating his life. I look forward to seeing y'all again soon, hopefully sooner than next year!
I regret that I will not be able to come. My father passed away last night and I'm flying to home - my sis and I will drive to Arkansas from Texas to join friends and family in mourning Dad's passing and in celebrating his life. I look forward to seeing y'all again soon, hopefully sooner than next year!

Sorry for the circumstances, Chris. Condolences to you and your family.