I am going to try to make it down. If I do I will be staying up the road at my brothers place.
There is a plan in motion to be there... Cooper is stayin home the best I can figure (he has been a sick guy - in the hosp for 2-days due to a "dietary indiscretion"... bad-boy ate something foul, and is still recoup'in)
May stay - may not... you know how that goes
Especially looking forward to it this year, too!
The beetles, etc, should be incenerated, NO??
. Glad I am planning ahead and not stalking at the 11th hour.
Sounds like there's a story here!![]()
Last year, on the same day as the pot luck, we had a ton of stuff going on all morning and afternoon, and having a one year old with an early bedtime we were not sure if we could make it. I didn't commit to to going until really late the day of the party. So, I send Pat and Audrey a PM for the address, but of course by that time, they were in the throes of party prep and not checking the VFTT site for slackers like me who needed an address to attend a party where the invite was posted months in advance.
About 30 minutes before the party I put on my detective (eh-hem stalker) hat on. I google searched Pat and Audrey Lexington. (No idea what their last name was.) I got a link to an article in a local paper about dogs off leash in a wooded park. In the comment section, "Pat and Audrey" had expressed their wise thoughts on the given situation. The comment included their last name and street. Wow!
Well, I knew they were dog lovers, right. Got to be the same Pat and Audrey. We figured we would go to the street, hope it wasn't too long a street, and look for a ton of cars with hiking gear inside and VFTT, AMC, or other bumper stickers indicative of hikers on board. It worked!
few will leave until a USFS ranger comes in full uniform
I just took something out of the freezer for Saturday night. I'm guessing most of you have never had it, and the rest of you have never heard of it. Hope you get to try it, I don't think there'll be enough for 7349 people... but I'm sure there WILL be enough food for 7349 people...
Hmmm, what could it be...
I just took something out of the freezer for Saturday night. I'm guessing most of you have never had it, and the rest of you have never heard of it. Hope you get to try it, I don't think there'll be enough for 7349 people... but I'm sure there WILL be enough food for 7349 people...
Hmmm, what could it be...