Peak Identification in the Daks?

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There is a little pocket guide (light brown cover) that gives you compass points of the 46 from every summit. I don't have mine handy, but I got it at the Mountaineer years ago.
Skyclimber said:
The easiest way to identify the peaks from the summits is, knowing how the Ranges run.

Or take someone with you that knows the peaks like the back of their hand. Believe me, it works.
Once you get deeper into the 46, you will be naming them off easy. You will see most of the peaks have different features that stand out.

But Marta is right, if you know the ranges and how they run it's easy. Most of the high peaks are in bunches.

Great Range
Giant Wilderness

Just to name a few.

I started to learn by sitting for long periods of time on the summit and lining up the peaks with a map. I love doing this still, because I love to discover the smaller peaks from different angles. Much easier to do in warmer and less windy conditions.
Check out THIS amazing website. Make sure you have 3 or 4 hours of time to kill before going there.
peak_bgr said:
I started to learn by sitting for long periods of time on the summit and lining up the peaks with a map. I love doing this still, because I love to discover the smaller peaks from different angles. Much easier to do in warmer and less windy conditions.

I did the same, and I'd like to think I got pretty good at it. :cool:

I used to play "name that peak" with the kids every chance I could on the big summits. They got pretty good at it too.