Peakbagging article in the Sunday Manchester Union leader

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Apr 24, 2004
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Nashua, NH; Avatar: Boston Marathon 2010
Alpinista, , one of the VFTT'ers and a person I have hiked with several times in the past has wrote an article for the Associated Press on NH peakbagging. It was published today. :) :) It is in the State/Local section on page B-7.

Check out the Sunday, 12-26-2004 Manchester Union Leader for her excellent, and personal article on Peakbagging the NH 48. It should be available on the Union Leader online. :D
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Great Job!

What a great story. I love reading about the reason behind why people hike. I've not meet many people that hike just because. Most usually have a reason, even if it is just to excape the hustle and bustle, but most have bigger and more indepth reasons. My reason was to excape something, but I'm not sure what. At one point I think it was to excape depression, but now I seem to go hiking during a stressful time in life. It's hard to get up there now with 3 kids and a wife. I like solo hiking because I like to be alone anyway and when you go solo hiking you get to be alone for a long time and no one pops there head in a room and says why are you in here all alone?