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Hiked Peekamoose Mtn. on Thursday, 4/10/08. Wonderfully warm, but snow still present in the hollows along the road on the north side of the hills on the drive to the trailhead. The south facing slope was dry and snow free all the way to Reconnoiter Rock at the 3000 foot elevation. Above that there was snow in the flat areas along the trail, gradually increasing in depth as we got higher. The spring above 3500 was flowing well with the snow melt runoff. The rock scrambles near the top were covered in snow and ice and a bit tricky, however we managed without snowshoes or crampons. The summit was covered in hard packed snow. The north slope toward Table Mountain is still covered in deep snow and we turned back because we kept sinking in above our knees on the way down. It wouldn't be difficult to negotiate with snowshoes however. It took about 2.5 hours to ascend and 2.25 to descend. A beautiful, clear, warm, spring day, 70 degrees at the trailhead when we returned at 4 PM.