New member
My 1st time doing the pemi loop! I've done all the peaks prior, however garfield ridge tr and osseo tr. were new segments for me. I ran the very beginning until bondcliff tr turns left and then it was hiking the rest of the day. was a casual shakedown affair 6:30a to 11:15p. 16 hrs 45min total. next year i will shoot for 14 hrs, take less pix, not visit guyot site and start earlier in the day and earlier in the summer, so i can take advantage of the running miles at the end of the loop from mid-way osseo to car. (yesterday had headlamp on for this segment and didn't want to run and risk a tripping injury.) I'm in awe of the times the ultra trail runners do on this loop! Hiking franconia ridge with no people and sun setting and stars above flume were the highlights. Great full day hike, hope to do it yearly.
bond cliff
checking out guyot site
red rock ravine slides.
slowest segment of loop IMO is s.twin to lafayette
airing out at galehead.
bond cliff

checking out guyot site

red rock ravine slides.

slowest segment of loop IMO is s.twin to lafayette

airing out at galehead.

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